ArenaClan BattlesQuest / PvELuna TowerR
Без UE7.5
с UE7.5

[Сильные стороны]

  • Увеличивает маг. и физ. защиту всем союзникам.
  • Восстановление здоровья со временем.
  • Призывает големов умением.


  • Восстановление здоровья накладывается только при использовании UB.
  • EX умение не увеличивает маг. атаку

[При наличии уник. экипировки]

  • Поле с защитными бафами добавлено к призыву голема.
  • Сила баффов высока.
Wands (Magic)
Магический урон

[Способ получения]

Постоянная гача

[Pure Memory Shards]

Уникальная Экипировка (UE)

Sunny Wand, Shine Sundae
Улучшает навык: Summon Petit Golem +
Magical Attack: 40 / 298
Physical Defense: 6 / 45
Magical Defense: 6 / 45

Summon the Petit Golem into the Frontline Position.
Then deploy the Field centered from the Frontmost Allied to Increase all Allies in the Field’s Physical and Magical Defense by Large Amount. (Effect Added)


Tropical Vacation
Ранк 1

Physical Defense and Magic Defense Buff, and HP Regenerate to All Allies

Raise Physical and Magical Defence of all Allies by [0.45 * (1 + Skill Lv)] for 18s
Restores [1.5 * (1 + Skill Lv) + 0.09 * Magical Attack] HP per second to all Allies for 10s

Summon Petit Golem
Ранк 2
Время применения: 0.85с

Summons a Petit Golem into the Frontline Position.

Summon a Petit Golem at 200 range in front of self

Summon Petit Golem +
Ранк 2+ UE
Время применения: 0.85с

Summons a Petit Golem into the Frontline Position.
Then deploy the Field centered from the Frontmost Allied to Increase all Allies in the Field’s Physical Defense and Magic Defense by Large Amount.

Summon a Petit Golem at 200 range in front of self
Deploy a field with radius of 250 range at frontmost Ally thta raises Physical and Magical Defence by [1.35 * (1 + Skill Lv)] for 12s

Soda Call
Ранк 4
Время применения: 0.92с

Magic Defense Buff to All Allies within Range (Centered Around Frontmost Ally)

Raise Magical Defence of Allies within 200 range to frontmost Ally by [0.75 * (1 + Skill Lv)] for 12s

Tropical Maid
Ранк 7

Medium increase to own Magical Defense at the start of battle.

Raise self Magical Defence by [2 * (1 + Skill Lv)]

Tropical Maid +
Ранк 7 + 5★

Large increase to own Magical Defense at the start of battle.

Raise self Magical Defence by [2 * (1 + Skill Lv)] and Physical Defence by 30

Union Burst (GIF)


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